AppCan Platform Status

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[av_progress bar_styling_secondary=\’av-small-bar\’ show_percentage=\’\’ bar_height=\’10\’ bar_styling=\’av-flat-bar\’ bar_animation=\’av-animated-bar\’ alb_description=\’\’ id=\’\’ custom_class=\’\’ template_class=\’\’ element_template=\’\’ one_element_template=\’\’ av_uid=\’av-ltcvsrv9\’ sc_version=\’1.0\’ admin_preview_bg=\’\’]
[av_progress_bar title=\’AppCan Cloud\’ progress=\’100\’ icon_select=\’no\’ icon=\’43\’ font=\’\’ color=\’green\’ color1=\’\’ color2=\’\’ color3=\’\’ color_title=\’\’ color_title_back=\’\’ element_template=\’\’ one_element_template=\’\’ av_uid=\’av-ltcvsqyb\’ sc_version=\’1.0\’]
[av_progress_bar title=\’AppCan Mobile\’ progress=\’100\’ icon_select=\’no\’ icon=\’43\’ font=\’entypo-fontello\’ color=\’green\’ color1=\’\’ color2=\’\’ color3=\’\’ color_title=\’\’ color_title_back=\’\’ element_template=\’\’ one_element_template=\’\’ av_uid=\’\’ sc_version=\’1.0\’ ]
[av_progress_bar title=\’AppCan API\’ progress=\’100\’ icon_select=\’no\’ icon=\’43\’ font=\’entypo-fontello\’ color=\’green\’ color1=\’\’ color2=\’\’ color3=\’\’ color_title=\’\’ color_title_back=\’\’ element_template=\’\’ one_element_template=\’\’ av_uid=\’\’ sc_version=\’1.0\’ ]
[av_progress_bar title=\’AppCan Data Warehouse\’ progress=\’100\’ icon_select=\’no\’ icon=\’43\’ font=\’entypo-fontello\’ color=\’green\’ color1=\’\’ color2=\’\’ color3=\’\’ color_title=\’\’ color_title_back=\’\’ element_template=\’\’ one_element_template=\’\’ av_uid=\’\’ sc_version=\’1.0\’ ]

[av_toggle_container faq_markup=\’\’ initial=\’1\’ mode=\’accordion\’ sort=\’\’ styling=\’\’ colors=\’\’ font_color=\’\’ background_color=\’\’ border_color=\’\’ toggle_icon_color=\’\’ colors_current=\’\’ font_color_current=\’\’ toggle_icon_color_current=\’\’ background_current=\’\’ background_color_current=\’\’ background_gradient_current_direction=\’vertical\’ background_gradient_current_color1=\’#000000\’ background_gradient_current_color2=\’#ffffff\’ background_gradient_current_color3=\’\’ hover_colors=\’\’ hover_font_color=\’\’ hover_background_color=\’\’ hover_toggle_icon_color=\’\’ size-toggle=\’\’ av-desktop-font-size-toggle=\’\’ av-medium-font-size-toggle=\’\’ av-small-font-size-toggle=\’\’ av-mini-font-size-toggle=\’\’ size-content=\’\’ av-desktop-font-size-content=\’\’ av-medium-font-size-content=\’\’ av-small-font-size-content=\’\’ av-mini-font-size-content=\’\’ heading_tag=\’\’ heading_class=\’\’ alb_description=\’\’ id=\’\’ custom_class=\’\’ template_class=\’\’ element_template=\’\’ one_element_template=\’\’ av_uid=\’av-ltcvskkh\’ sc_version=\’1.0\’ admin_preview_bg=\’\’]
[av_toggle title=\’04/03/2024 11:00 – Document Distributor Upload / Save error\’ tags=\’\’ custom_id=\’\’ element_template=\’\’ one_element_template=\’\’ av_uid=\’av-ltcvsiyi\’ sc_version=\’1.0\’]
Issue: We are aware of an error when uploading or saving a document in a Document Distributor, engineers are currently investigating.

Status: This is currently being investigated by our engineers.

Resolution: 04/11/2024 11:50 – Issue resolved.
[av_toggle title=\’10/02/2024 10:00 – AppCan Cloud – Scheduler & Exports\’ tags=\’\’ custom_id=\’\’ element_template=\’\’ one_element_template=\’\’ av_uid=\’\’ sc_version=\’1.0\’ ]
Issue: We are aware that two AppCan portal services – exports and email scheduling stopped on Friday 09/02/2024 late afternoon.  Engineers are currently investigating and we expect these to be functioning again Monday morning (12/02/2024)

Status: This is currently being investigated by our engineers.  As of 9:07am (12/02/2024), emails are now starting to be sent and exports are processing.  We are monitoring these until the queues have been fully processed.

Resolution: 12/02/2024 – Issue resolved
[av_toggle title=\’06/09/2023 12:30 – AppCan Cloud Performance Issues\’ tags=\’\’ custom_id=\’\’ element_template=\’\’ one_element_template=\’\’ av_uid=\’\’ sc_version=\’1.0\’ ]
Issue: We are aware of performance issues on AppCan Cloud, our engineers are currently investigating.

Status: This is currently being investigated by our engineers.

Resolution: Resolved 06/09/2023 13:24
[av_toggle title=\’25/08/2023 10:48 – AppCan Performance Issues\’ tags=\’\’ custom_id=\’\’ element_template=\’\’ one_element_template=\’\’ av_uid=\’\’ sc_version=\’1.0\’ ]
Issue: We are aware of performance issues on AppCan Cloud & AppCan Mobile.  View Data & Exports are affected on AppCan Cloud.  Slower synchronisations are being experienced on AppCan Mobile with a \’Server Sync\’ error status being shown to the user, when a sync has completed.  Please note, this is not affecting record submissions.

Status: We have now identified the database query which is causing the reported issues.  Our engineers are now working on resolving this.

Resolution: 25/08/2023 13:54pm – Issue resolved.  Query execution plan rebuilt.

Last updated: 25/08/2023 13:21pm – Identified issue and engineers working on a resolution.

Last updated: 25/08/2023 11:58am – Issue under investigation
[av_toggle title=\’19/08/2023 10:00 – AppCan Mobile app crash\’ tags=\’\’ custom_id=\’\’ element_template=\’\’ one_element_template=\’\’ av_uid=\’\’ sc_version=\’1.0\’ ]

Cascade global fields linked to the Integration Hub are currently causing the AppCan mobile app to crash. These fields have been temporarily retired in some forms and \’Not In List\’ fields exposed for manual capture of project / street / permit details.  This affects Service Card, Purge Card, Mains Test, Noticing Action Requests, CARE, Reinstatement Requests, Risk Assessment Forms in London.  

This issue is also causing fields in scheduled reports (e.g Project References) to be missing.

We expect to have this issue resolved by mid morning on Mon 21st, after which the drop down cascade global fields will be re-activated within each form. 

Status: A fix was deployed 21/08/2023 @ 4pm

Resolution: This issue is related to the platform outage we experienced last Wednesday morning.  Between then and now we have completely rebuilt the api used to update cascade pick lists with data from Street Manager and Ctrl Hub.  The issue we have experienced 19/08/2023 was a special case we needed to cater for in our new api.  This work has now been completed, so we will be stronger in this part of the platform as a result.
[av_toggle title=\’15/08/2023 17:40 – AppCan Platform Performance Issues\’ tags=\’\’ custom_id=\’\’ element_template=\’\’ one_element_template=\’\’ av_uid=\’\’ sc_version=\’1.0\’ ]

We are aware of a critical performance issue affecting both AppCan Portal users (\’View Data’ grids time out when being loaded) and Mobile users (‘Mobile’ sync is very slow and will result in server sync error messages being displayed to mobile users).

Engineers are currently identifying root-cause and a fix to restore normal system stability.  We do not currently have an estimated time for restoration, but will provide an update at 9am tomorrow morning.

AppCan Mobile can be used in off-line mode as long as the device is switched to ‘airplane’ settings, which will allow login as long as the user has previously logged into AppCan on their mobile device.  Once logged in, AppCan can then be used to capture and save records in ‘Draft’ (red-cloud) status.  The device can be taken out of ‘airplane mode’ once login to AppCan has been achieved.

Thanks in advance for your patience and understanding.  We apologise for any disruption this has caused.

Status: This is currently being investigated by our engineers.

Resolution: See below

Last Updated:

17/08/2023 16:00 – Permanent fix has been released to Production to prevent this from occurring again.

16/08/2023 08:42 – We can confirm that ‘View Data’ portal pages are loading now and Mobile synchronisation has been restored.  We are still monitoring the platform and our development team are working on a permanent fix, to be deployed later today.

16/08/2023 08:35 – We have identified a problem with SQL export services, and are in the process of temporarily suspending this functionality on the platform.  Once this step has been completed will re-check platform response performance is restored; restarting any necessary services.  Please await further updates.
[av_toggle title=\’04/05/2023 12:00 – AppCan Mobile Server Sync Error\’ tags=\’\’ custom_id=\’\’ element_template=\’\’ one_element_template=\’\’ av_uid=\’\’ sc_version=\’1.0\’ ]
Issue: We are aware of Server Sync Errors on AppCan XP Mobile.

Status: This is currently being investigated by our engineers.

Resolution: Resolved 12:23pm
[av_toggle title=\’12/04/2023 07:45 – Users unable to logon to AppCan Mobile\’ tags=\’\’ custom_id=\’\’ element_template=\’\’ one_element_template=\’\’ av_uid=\’\’ sc_version=\’1.0\’ ]
Issue: Users unable to logon to AppCan Mobile

Status: This is currently being investigated by our engineers.

[av_toggle title=\’23/02/2023 09:47 – AppCan Platform DNS Issue\’ tags=\’\’ custom_id=\’\’ element_template=\’\’ one_element_template=\’\’ av_uid=\’\’ sc_version=\’1.0\’ ]
Issue: Due to a general DNS issue, the AppCan platform was unavailable for a time today.  This was outside AppCan\’s control and affected many different businesses.

Status: This is currently being investigated.

Resolution: Issue resolved 06/09/2021 11:24
[av_toggle title=\’06/09/2021 10:00 – AppCan Cloud Timeouts\’ tags=\’\’ custom_id=\’\’ element_template=\’\’ one_element_template=\’\’ av_uid=\’\’ sc_version=\’1.0\’ ]
Issue: Timeouts being experienced with App builder, Report Builder and View Data in AppCan Cloud.

Status: This is currently being investigated by our engineers.

Resolution: Issue resolved 06/09/2021 10:40
[av_toggle title=\’03/09/2021 16:00 – AppCan Cloud Outage\’ tags=\’\’ custom_id=\’\’ element_template=\’\’ one_element_template=\’\’ av_uid=\’\’ sc_version=\’1.0\’ ]
Issue: We are aware of an outage on AppCan Cloud, engineers are currently investigating. AppCan XP (mobile) is functioning as normal.

Status: This is currently being investigated by our engineers.

Resolution:Issue resolved 03/09/2021 17.03


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