Data Loss Prevention

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The purpose of this Data Loss Prevention Policy is to outline the guidelines and procedures that are necessary to ensure that the AppCan Platform is protected from unauthorised access, theft, or loss. 


This policy applies to all AppCan employees, partners, and third-party vendors who have access to the company\’s network, systems, applications, or data. It covers all types of sensitive information, including but not limited to customer data and intellectual property.


AppCan Platform controls: AppCan provide a platform for clients to build Data Collector apps and Document Distributors.  These are controlled and maintained by the client.  The client have the option to prevent access to the client\’s portal and can redact sensitive data on a field-by-field basis.

Access to the Microsoft Azure platform is restricted to authorised personnel only. Access to data is granted on a need-to-know basis, and all access is logged for auditing purposes. User accounts and passwords must be kept confidential and updated regularly.

Data Handling: Sensitive data must not be shared outside the company without prior approval. When data must be shared with third-party vendors, the data must be encrypted or secured in transit. Data must also be protected when being sent electronically. Data must never be removed from the company\’s premises without proper authorisation.

Data Storage: Sensitive data must be stored securely, both physically and electronically. Data must be encrypted when stored electronically, and all physical documents containing sensitive data must be stored in locked cabinets or rooms.  Data on our Microsoft Azure servers are encrypted at rest.  Data on mobile devices are encrypted at rest if passcodes / Touch ID or Face ID is implemented on the device.

Data Backup: A data backup system is in place to ensure that important information is not lost due to system failures, natural disasters, or human errors. A comprehensive backup schedule is in place, and backups are secured and stored in a secure Microsoft UK data centres.  Please refer to our Data Backup & Replication document.

Data Disposal: Sensitive data can be disposed of by the client from within their portal, or clients can instruct AppCan to dispose of data properly. Data can be automatically deleted from the platform after a defined period.

Monitoring and Auditing: The company will monitor and audit all data activity to ensure adherence to this policy. Any violations of this policy will be addressed immediately and may result in disciplinary action up to termination of employment or contracts.



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