AppCan Sync Tips & Troubleshooting

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IMPORTANT: When syncing always try and wait for the ‘Last Updated ’ message to display.

AppCan Mobile will sync when ever you login, submit a record or pull-down-to-refresh on the form menu.  The message ‘Updating User Data’ is displayed when it is synchronising.


Before you start capturing data in a new record or updating an existing record, try and let the sync reach the ‘Last Updated’ message.


  • Where local signal strength permits synchronisation to complete, there are a couple of good reasons for adopting this best practice.
  • Your app will always be up to date in terms of new content received and forms successfully uploaded.Your app will not be trying to upload / complete sync at the same time as you might wish to create new forms or update existing forms. It happens on rare occasions, but if you are trying to capture more data whilst a sync is still completing and an external event such as an App crash or unexpected device shut-down were to occur, then we have seen examples where the sync becomes stuck, or data has been lost from the records you were last working on.

What to do if ‘Updating User Data’ is taking a long time to change to ‘Last Updated’

Tap on ‘Updating User Data’


A hidden screen is displayed.  The screen shows the sync log.  It should be active, i.e. every few seconds new rows will be inserted at the bottom of view.

If it is doing this then all is okay, the sync will complete, be patient and give it a couple of minutes.  Tap ‘Close’ to return to the main form menu.


Watch out for this message.  If a lot of documents are being downloaded let the sync have extra time to complete.


Note: if you are in an area with poor reception / signal strength, this might impact upon sync time, so allow some additional time for synchronisation (‘Last Updated’ message to appear).

If signal is very poor or no signal at all, it can be better to put your device into ‘Airplane Mode’ as this prevents the app from trying to sync, which preserves battery life and will allow you to carry on creating forms / reading ePack plans in off-line mode.

When you move into an area with better connectivity, turn off ‘Airplane Mode’ and pull-down-to-refresh in AppCan.  Your saved records captured in offline mode will upload okay.

What if Sync Log view appears to be stuck?

When you check the hidden sync log screen and it appears to be stuck for several minutes on the same row, then try the following to free the sync up.


Step 1: Logout of AppCan


Step 2: CLOSE all open apps from device memory.


New iPhones/iPads with no circular button – swipe up from bottom of the screen, then swipe up on each app in minimized view (as shown).

Older iPhones/iPads with a circular button – double-click the circular button and hit the ‘x’ on each small app view.

NOTE: DO NOT DELETE the AppCan App from your device

Step 3: Restart your device.

New iPhones/iPads – press up volume once, then down volume once then press and hold the power on / off button in until screen goes black and only let go when the Apple Logo appears.  Ignore this message (below) when it appears.  DO NOT ‘Slide to power off’

Older iPhones/iPads – press and hold both the power on / off button AND the circular button until screen goes black and only let go when the Apple Logo appears.


Step 4: Once the device has restarted check to ENSURE ALL APPS ARE STILL CLOSED, i.e. this screen should NOT show any small / minimized apps in the view when you either swipe up / double click the circular button.

Step 5 : Log back into AppCan and let the sync complete.


Tap ‘Updating User Data’ message and check to ensure the hidden sync log screen is now active.


Sync still stuck at ‘Updating User Data’?  What to do to get help

Tap on ‘Updating User Data’ and you see the sync log isn’t active or you can see the word ‘Error’ in the sync script.  Tap ‘Email’ (top right of screen) .


An email will be composed.

Send this to either ’’ or to ‘

Receiving this attachment in the email is the most important part.  This contains logging history, which will help identify what’s causing the sync problem.



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